The Illustrated Mandolin Chord Bible

Mandolin Anatomy

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Chord Bible

This elementary chart of mandolin anatomy is given for the benefit of beginners. Though it is very basic, it is a start to learning some common terms that are used when talking about our instruments.

The pads on our tuning keys are also called buttons.

Another name for the fingerboard is fretboard, this is a slab of wood (usually dark in color) that fret wire is attached to in order to make each fret.

The heel of the mandolin refers to the part of the neck that meets the body in back.

The sides of the mandolin body are sometimes called the ribs.

Regarding the bridge and saddle: These are usually separate pieces. The bridge is the part that touches the mandolin’s top plate, and the saddle is the part that cradles the strings.


mandolin anatomy
Clip Art Illustration of a Mandolin, with labels by

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Author: Mark
Mark is a semi-retired entrepreneur, and lifelong amateur musician. He lives in an RV and spends time playing guitar and mandolin, piddling with personal websites, and enjoying the great outdoors.

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